Embark on a musical journey with The Imaginaries, a dynamic duo who blend their unique talents to create captivating country music. Shane Henry and Maggie McClure, the husband-and-wife team behind The Imaginaries, prioritize the art above all else, putting their egos aside to craft beautiful songs.
Their debut album, released in March 2021, showcases their undeniable chemistry and musical prowess. Collaborating with legends like Vince Gill on their latest release, “Whole Lotta Livin’,” has only fueled their passion for creating music that resonates with audiences.
But their journey doesn’t stop there. The duo recently recorded a song for the upcoming film “Reagan,” where they also make a cameo appearance as the inauguration band. As they hit the road for their “Wheels to the Pavement” tour, staying fit and healthy is crucial for their demanding schedule.
Fitness runs in McClure’s family, with her dad and stepmother being bodybuilders. While they may not take it to the extreme like her dad, staying in shape is essential for their performances. Whether they’re hitting the gym or exploring new towns on tour, Henry and McClure find ways to prioritize their wellness.
Their dedication to health goes beyond physical fitness, as they’ve both overcome health scares that have shaped their outlook on life. From Henry’s appendectomy wake-up call to McClure’s battle with allergies, they understand the importance of taking care of their bodies.
As they continue to make music and inspire audiences, The Imaginaries are ready for whatever the future holds. With a newfound appreciation for their health and a passion for creating music, this dynamic duo is unstoppable.